Our Partners

Teachers2Teachers Global

Our organization works closely with schools and community adult education learning centres for both primary and secondary schools. Since there is a shortage of teachers and a great need for volunteer educators to help with teaching in our schools to supplement the teaching staff, we partnered with T2T Global to bring educators from the USA to our local schools. This is a ten day professional and cultural exchange programme during which T2T observe classroom activities, teach the students and conduct workshops for our teachers in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics).

Students for International Development (SID)

SID Canada helps Kar Geno to recruit qualified international students who have a specific interest in community development initiatives and want to do an internship in this field. SID advertises the available posts, interviews the potential candidates and organises their placement with Kar Geno.

Come Unity

Come Unity is an artisanal products retailer contributing to women’s socio-economic empowerment globally. It supports Kar Geno by purchasing the items made under our Hope Designers cooperative in support of HIV positive mothers working and living in the slums of Kisumu.

Partners for International Development (PfID)

We cooperate with the PfID on concrete community development initiatives. For example, we have recently identified and received an approval to build a new local hospital building. PfID is helping us with fundraising and organisation of operations in order to make the construction of the new hospital possible.

Better Me Kenya

Better Me Kenya is an NGO that aims at supporting HIV positive children and women. We cooperate on the Hope Designers project, where they help us with finding markets for our products.

The Village Volunteers

VV is our newest partner bringing to us a new way to organise volunteers placements with Kar Geno. VV is keen in supporting our Moringa project by looking into broadening the markets for this potentially very successful product.


Kar Geno is currently working with the Engineers Without Borders at University of California Davis chapter, on project preparation to bring a clean drinking water supply to Mabinju village. The project aims at providing the village with a permanent drinking and bathing water supply for the first time. The project intends to drill a borehole and build a PV solar-powered pump station for water distribution to the households.